

Tarapaca  -

- Region Find Mobile Phones in Chile
Tarapaca - Iquique - Region I - Tarapaca - Capital : Iquique - Area : 42.225,8 km2 - Population : 300.301
I Region de Tarapaca, Chile.
Province : Iquique. The capital is Iquique. Counties : Alto Hospicio, Iquique
Province : El Tamarugal. The capital is Pozo Almonte. Counties : Camiña, Colchane, Huara, Pica, Pozo Almonte
Capital Iquique - Population 164.396
Location 20°13'00''S, 70°18'52'' O
Congress representants : 2 senators, 2 deputies
Economy : PIB (PPA) Total (2005) CLP 1.962.061 millions - PIB per capita USD 13.480
Tarapaca Regional Government - WebSite
Iquique Information Regional

Province Iquique

Capital Iquique
Municipalities : Alto Hospicio, Camiña, Colchane, Huara, Iquique, Pica, Pozo Almonte
Iquique City - Population : 164.396 hab.
Alto Hospicio City - Population : 50.190 hab.
Pozo Almonte City - Population : 6.384 hab.
Pica City - Population : 2.642 hab.
Huara City - Population : 956 hab.

Province Iquique

- Location 20°12'50 S 70°09'09 O / -20.21389, -70.1525
Area 2.262,4 km2 - Height 1 msnm - Population 166.204 hab. (2002) - Density 70,8 hab./km2
People are called Iquiqueño/a
Map of Tarapaca, Chile - Interactive Maps
Iquique is the Capital City of the Region Tarapaca
Tarapaca General information and updated references 

Covid in Tarapaca

Coronavirus covid-19 in Chile, Cases 2,405,672, Deaths 40,060, Rate (1.67%), Date 2022-02-08 04:21:15 - Tarapaca, Cases 72,591, Deaths 887 (1.22%),


Symptoms of the coronavirus disease : fever, dry cough, difficulty breathing, headache, slight runny nose, shortness of breath. If you have these symptoms, seek medical care to check your condition. Circulatory system : decreased white blood cells. Kidneys : decreased function.
Coronavirus in Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.
How to take care of your health and protect others ?
Wash your hands frequently and regularly with soap and water. Keep your hands clean with an alcohol-based hand rub. Washing your hands kills viruses that may be there.  -
Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth and face. Because hands touch many surfaces and can get contaminated with viruses and transfer it to your eyes, nose or mouth. And the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue or your bent elbow, when you cough or sneeze, and dispose of the used tissue immediately.
Safe greetings and handshaking.
Maintain social distancing at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and anyone else who is coughing or sneezing. When people coughs or sneezes can spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus.
Good respiratory hygiene. Protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and COVID-19.
Stay home if you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention only if required, to protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.
Avoid contact with others and visits to medical facilities.
Stay aware of the latest information with official sources from the national and local public health authority.
Avoid to travel to prevent possible spread of COVID-19 and other viruses.
Avoid spitting in public places.
Protect yourself and others from getting sick
Practice food safety.
Stay healthy with good nutrition.
There are some vaccines and medicines recommended to prevent or treat the covid.
Situation Dashboard. Official Report of Cases by Country. Information and Videos on Social Networks : Youtube Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin
How to protect yourself and others agaist Coronavirus ?
What is COVID ? Covid means Coronavirus Disease.
The first cases of this virus was detected win Wuhan, China, but in few months was found in most of the countries. Check the total of cases and deaths by country and state.
Medical supplies recommended to protect themselves and others. Used by health personal : Hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, gowns, goggles.
Map of Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic - Source : WHO. World Health Organization. Technical Guidance and Global research. Alert. See updated information by country.
- Covid-19, Casos y Muertes, Medidas de Salud. Teléfonos de Información. Datos Actualizados.
Phones in Tarapaca : Provincia de Iquique, Provincia del Tamarugal,
Tarapaca - Search Cell Phone and Internet Packages. Mobile Phone Companies.
Phone companies in Tarapaca Search by city, province or region.
How to dial to Tarapaca ?
Tarapaca - General Information and Cities. Find Phones in Phone Companies and Tech Stores.
Phones in Tarapaca : Provincia de Iquique, Provincia del Tamarugal,
Tarapaca Area codes for phone calls, whatsapp, and messages.
Maps of Tarapaca - Cities, Location, Map, Roads, Address
Chile Tarapaca 2025
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